Mode-S: must have, but switched off
Pilots should be aware that despite the recent order to turn off
Mode-S transponders in the Amsterdam area, it remains illegal to fly
in Dutch airspace above 1200 feet and in TMZs without a Mode-S
transponder, and if you don't tick the correct box on your flight
plan, it will not be accepted.
Ary Stigter of AOPA-Netherlands has been heavily involved in moves
to try to alleviate problems caused by Holland's demand that all
aircraft should install and use Mode-S transponders. Holland has run
well ahead of the rest of Europe in mandating Mode-S despite the
many concerns raised by IAOPA, including the fact that GA Mode-S
returns would blank out commercial aircraft returns in
heavily-trafficked areas. The original demand was that all aircraft
in Europe should be Mode-S equipped by 2007, but the lack of a
low-power lightweight transponder made this impossible. The Dutch
CAA, however, mandated that all new aircraft be equipped with Mode-S
from 2007, including even non-powered aircraft. The fact that Mode-S
transponders for these aircraft did not exist led Holland to adopt a
gradual introduction scheme for gliders ending in 2010.
For years, transponders of any type have had to be switched off
below the Schiphol TMA because they triggered TCAS alerts on
approaching CAT aircraft at 2000 feet. A minimum vertical separation
of 800 feet is needed to avoid false alerts, so when Mode-S was made
mandatory, GA aircraft were ordered to fly below 1200 feet. The
Mode-S requirement came into force on March 12, 2009 without a
safety assessment and in the face of doubts expressed by ATC, who
had proposed that software be incorporated to filter out 7000
returns below 1500 feet. The Dutch CAA refused to allow this.
On the first day of clear VMC after March 12, Schiphol radar screens
were cluttered by Mode-S returns to the point where CAT could not be
seen, despite tags being reduced to the smallest print size. It was
decided to close the VFR area below the SPL TMA except for some
state and commercial operations. AOPA-Netherlands proposed a
reversion to the previous system of switching off transponders,
which has proved safe over the past 20 years. Initially the Dutch
CAA opposed this, but on April 10th it agreed to reopen the airspace
to VFR traffic with transponders switched off.
Ary Stigter says: "We expect a large number of protests addressed to
the Minister of Transport from pilots who are affected by lack of
harmonisation in EASA airspace. Lack of harmonisation will increase
infringements. Safety was never not the issue for Mode-S
transponders - easier identification of infringers was the driver
for the Dutch CAA to force the introduction."
ELTs: don’t need, must have
IAOPA is trying to find a way around a new anomaly which means that
neither British nor Dutch GA aircraft need to carry fixed ELTs,
except when flying into Dutch airspace. Both countries have granted
exemptions from an ICAO recommendation that all aircraft carry ELTs,
so pilots don’t have to have them installed for flights at home, but
the Dutch CAA says an aircraft crossing an FIR boundary from the UK
into Holland is an international flight subject to ICAO rules, which
require a fixed ELT. The situation came to light when a group of UK
AOPA members asked IAOPA to clarify the situation because they
intended to transit through Holland. The Dutch said they would make
an exception for the group, but that no future concessions would be
made. This could be nothing more than another laughable piece of
legalistic nonsense but for the fact that in some circumstances, it
might affect insurance claims. IAOPA says PLBs are far more
effective and useful than ELTs, and that every pilot should have the
best PLB he or she can afford.
Sardinia rescinds GA tax
Great news from AOPA-Italy’s Massimo Levy – the special tax on
general aviation landing in Sardinia has been cancelled! The new
Governor of the region, elected in February with a huge majority,
has maintained his promise and cancelled the so called ‘luxury tax’
on boats and private airplanes reaching the island. After the tax
was introduced AOPA-Italy requested that GA avoid Sardinia, and many
aviators and yachtsmen did so, costing the island dear. Massimo
says: “We cannot say that this is a victory for AOPA, but certainly
our campaign against the tax has helped to obtain this result.”
Sardinia has four airports, Olbia, Cagliari, Alghero and Oristano
All are open to GA, and all of them – exceptional for Italy – have
avgas. Its beaches are among the prettiest of the Mediterranean and
now, general aviation is again welcome. Massimo says that in
particular, Olbia has one of the best organisations for GA traffic.
Emissions trading traps private operators
The EU’s new CO2 emissions trading scheme, which exempts small
commercial operators of aircraft like the Beech King Air, will hit
private owners of similar aircraft who are caught in its net.
Aircraft over 5,700 kg will fall under an EU emissions trading
scheme under EU Directive 2008/101/EU, but it exempts “aircraft
below 5,700 kg MTOW and commercial operators producing less than the
243 flights every four months, or less than 10,000 tonnes of CO2 per
year.” These are classed as ‘minimal emitters’ who do not fall into
the emissions trading net. Private operators of such aircraft would,
however, be required to pay. Dr Michael Erb, managing director of
AOPA-Germany, says: “This is clearly discrimination against
non-commercial operators, because I can’t imagine any justification
for declaring non-commercial emissions worse than commercial
emissions.” Apart from the fees, setting up a monitoring system is a
costly and bureaucratic process which has been designed for
airlines. Dr Erb and Jacob Pedersen of AOPA-Denmark are working to
clarify the situation and to remove the anomaly.
Italy listens to AOPA
Armed with the recent European Parliament resolution supporting GA,
AOPA-Italy’s new president Carlo Golda and former president Massimo
Levy recently spent an hour in front of Italian MPs setting out the
special problems of GA in Italy. The Chamber of Deputies is holding
a program of hearings on the structure of the national airport
network, and as part of that, AOPA Italy has been questioned by the
Transport Commission. They told the Transport Commission that the
Italian airport network is grossly inadequate for a country that is
in the top eight of the world’s economies. The Commission president
Mario Valducci, who had received an letter of introduction from
IAOPA general secretary John Sheehan, questioned the AOPA delegation
in a manner which showed an unexpected interest in their
presentation. Massimo says: “We were told the conclusion of the
investigations will be made public at the end of July”
New problems crossing military CTRs in Italy
Massimo Levy reports what he calls “A sad and crazy story…” IFR
aircraft using ATC usually pay Eurocontrol for services received,
and Eurocontrol distributes the money among the states. In Italy,
the money goes to ENAV, the Italian Air Traffic Control Corporation.
But many airports are in the hands of the Italian Air Force and are
available to civilian use without problems or ATC charges. But the
credit crunch has reduced the Italian Air Force’s allocation from
the Ministry of Finance, and the Air Force has asked to be paid for
ATC services to civilians. It looks like the answer was negative,
because from June 1st (barring a last-minute change) all civilian
traffic to and from military airports will be reduced by 50%, both
VFR and IFR. For example, no more than eight simultaneous VFR
flights will be allowed in Garda CTR in the middle of Northern
Italy. The Italian CAA has unhelpfully suggested banning all VFR to
make room for more IFR, which is not an option. Military air traffic
controllers in Italy are generally more accommodating than civilian
ones, so Massimo says: “If you happen to be denied entry in a
military CTR, do not argue with the controller – usually, he is your
friend. Try to avoid the area.”
Poland removes avgas licence
AOPA-Poland has won its long fight to reform the licensing system
for the ale of aviation fuels, which now means that flying clubs and
FTOs can sell avgas without going through an expensive, lengthy and
bureaucratic process to obtain and renew government permission. The
Polish Parliament has adopted changes of the Energy Law to
liberalise the provision of avgas and other fuels.
NPPL in the CI
AOPA UK has held useful talks with aviation authorities in the
Channel Islands with a view to allowing the National Private Pilots
Licence to be used there. The NPPL, which is slightly less expensive
than the JAR PPL to obtain but has more sensible medical
requirements, was proposed and written by AOPA UK and introduced for
use in the UK only, but the Channel Islands treasure their
independence in many ways and have never allowed its use. Talks
between Fergus Woods, who now runs aviation in the islands, Martin
Robinson, senior vice president of IAOPA, and Charles Strasser, AOPA
UK’s Channel Islands chairman, have been described as “positive” and
it is hoped the benefits of the NPPL can be extended to the islands
soon. The NPPL is the model for the EASA LAPL.
Travelling man
IAOPA senior vice president Martin Robinson has been visiting
European AOPAs with a view to fostering better understanding and
closer co-operation between AOPAs, and helping to recruit new
members. He has held talks with Czech AOPA at Letnany, Prague,
during the recent Aero Expo, attended the AGM of AOPAs in Holland
and Denmark, and has a series of meetings lined up across Europe.
AOPA Italy General Assembly?
…will be held on Milano Bresso Airport (LIMB) on Saturday June 6th.
Any European pilot who wants to participate is more than welcome.
Just let them know of your arrival at least two days earlier by
email through their website ( to they can arrange the
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