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IAOPA-Europe-Enews- April-2019 - Welcome to the IAOPA Europe enews which goes to 23,000 aircraft owners and pilots in 27 countries across the continent

Very busy Regional Meeting in Köln, 8/9 March 2019

The 140th Regional Meeting of IAOPA took place on the 8th and 9th of March in Cologne (Köln) and was led by IAOPA EU Senior Vice President Dr. Michael Erb. Clemens Bollinger, board member of AOPA Germany, welcomed the participants of the RM in Köln on behalf of AOPA Germany.

It’s no use to dive into the exact details of the meeting but it’s good to underline the importance of these meetings in which all European member states (affiliates) of AOPA participate. Also IAOPA Headquarters is always present at the meetings in the person of Craig Spence who works as a catalyst and as a contact between AOPA Headquarters and the affiliates.
At the meeting in Köln various subjects were discussed, for instance ICAO-representant Frank Hoffman talked about the way ICAO appreciates the input of AOPA when setting worldwide standards for aviation. An important issue is the coming of electric aircraft. There are no airworthiness standards. We have to decide which road to go – hard decision – are we going this way or that way with the standards.
Other issues were the use of electronic navigation devices  and programmes, iPads and programmes like ForeFlight and Jeppesen who gave presentations and offer benefits for AOPA members. Of course EASA was present to have us catch up with their latest rules and ideas about air safety. Other issues: pilot’s licenses, ADS-B, airport fees and aviation fuel. All things that you as a private pilot have to deal with one way or another. AOPA is trying to smoothen the way as much as possible.
Lots of issues, it was a very busy Saturday for the people who attended the RM.

IAOPA firmly present at the 2019 AERO Friedrichshafen

Of course also this year AOPA participated again in the International Aerospace Exhibition AERO Friedrichshafen. The IAOPA stand was manned (and organized) by the German, Austrian and Swiss AOPA’s,

and traditionally also by the Association of German Female Pilots (VDP).  The AOPA stand at the exhibition was also – and this year even more than before – supported by AOPA USA.  AOPA president Mark Baker visited AERO Friedrichshafen for the first time. The focus lay on exchanging information with members, recruiting new members and exchanging ideas with other associations, companies and authorities in the field of aviation.

IAOPA Secretary-General Craig Spence presented AOPA's Air Safety activities at the EASA meeting. IAOPA Europe Senior Vice President Dr Michael Erb participated in two panel discussions on Flying without Air Traffic Control and Avoiding Collisions in airspace E. IAOPA's ICAO contact Frank Hoffman also was present, coming all the way from Canada.

A highlight for IAOPA was the large "party" at the exhibition stand on Wednesday afternoon, in which more than 200 guests from the aviation sector took part.

The AERO of 2019 was the 27th in succession. The fair set a record: 757 exhibiting companies from 40 countries were present. World premieres and innovations were central and the highly specialized support program received great response from the trade visitors. After four days of AERO, the result can be called very positive. 32,100 visitors meant around 3% more than in 2018. So there is still growth in the AERO with visitors from all over Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand and the USA. part. 

Just like previous years there was a huge number of MLA’s. Now that the MTOM of MLA’s is increasing to 600 kg, the aircraft are becoming even more attractive. Many look beautiful, very nice planes, equipped with all modern navigation equipment one can imagine, glass cockpits, and the strong Rotax engine.

Electric flying also attracted a lot of interest. Something for the future. Anyone who has valuable information may contact us on

The next AERO will take place from 1 to 4 April 2020 at the exhibition center in Friedrichshafen.  

Denmark Launches UAT Weather Trial

Improved access to weather and traffic data directly in the cockpit has a significant potential to improve flight safety. AOPA Denmark is therefore working with the Danish flightplanning provider Air Support to establish a network of groundbased UAT transmitters that will broadcast weather in the form of weather radar images, TAFS and METARs for aviation use.

The first transmitter is now live from a location in Billund Airport and the plan is to setup up an additional 4-5 transmitters so that all of Denmark will be covered. The signal can be received by modern panel mounted avionics able to receive ADS-B signals or by small portable receivers which can display the information on for instance an ipad. The receivers will also make it possible to see other traffic that sends out ADS-B signals and some receivers even show FLARM traffic information typically emitted by gliders. Popular navigation software like Foreflight, SkyDemon and EasyVFR all support the technology and will display both traffic and weather directly in the app.

A similar trial is taking place in the UK and a transmitter has also been established temporarily in Friedrichafen in Germany. The hope is that all of Europe will eventually be covered as awareness and demand increases and receivers become more widespread.

In the US similar groundbased UAT transmitters have for years been established across the continent and US data shows that the effect on flight safety can be quite remarkable: A US study shows that the likelihood of a fatal accident decreased by 89 percent for aircraft using ADS-B In.

The UK CAA has also for some time promoted these socalled Electronic Conspicuity devices as part of an initiative to improve flight safety. The UK CAA has gone one step further and allowed portable TSO approved devices to also transmit an ADS-B position signal. This means that pilots and aircraft owners with an investment of around 500 Euro can both see and be seen electronically - plus benefit from weather data where a ground based transmitter is available.

AOPA Denmark is planning to apply for a similar approval so that pilots in Denmark will also be allowed to activate the transmitter function in devices that support this.

AOPA Denmark has established a dedicated page with details about the trial, and all pilots with equipment capable of receiving the signal are encouraged to give feedback on



In 1939, a small group of Philadelphia businessmen came together with a mission: to give a united voice to what was then called "miscellaneous aviation." The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association was born.
Packed with photographs of pilots' most beloved aircraft and inspiring stories of aviation pioneers, Freedom to Fly: AOPA and the History of General Aviation in America tells the story of general aviation through the lens of its biggest advocate. Learn about the triumphs and tragedies that defined generations of pilots from the editors who bring you AOPA Pilot and Flight Training each month. 

For 80 years, AOPA has fought to keep pilots flying when war, technological advances, economic booms and busts, and politics threatened our access to the skies. Today, as the largest aviation community in the world, AOPA still works to make flying more affordable, safer, and more fun. Travel back in time through 288 glossy pages, full of the amazing photos you've come to expect from AOPA photographers and historic images from our rich archives. 

This special commemorative edition is issued for AOPA's eightieth anniversary. For international orders call +1-301-695-2000 then select option #1, or if the receptionist answers, ask for Member Services. AOPA business hours are, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (UTC minus 5 hours) time, Monday through Friday. 




Integration of drones | We are all ONE in the Sky

IATA took the initiative for a joint statement by the European airspace users on integrating drones. It’s called “We are all ONE in the Sky”. The objective is to safely integrate drones into the aviation network. IAOPA has been providing input from a GA perspective.
In the first draft it was still mentioned that light aviation is in general reluctanct to equip with any new ATM technology.
We could show that the opposite is true, GA equips very quickly and fleetwide even without a mandate as soon there is a positive business case, examples are GPS in our aircraft and FLARM in the gliders.

Click here for a link to the joint statement

EASA’s Safety Promotion Plan

Have a look at EASA’s Safety Promotion Plan. EASA wants to position itself as a leader in safety promotion in Europe.
This means that EASA wants to actively help you to promote flight safety within your company, flight school, flying club or any which way you are flying. 

Safety Promotion is a set of means, processes and procedures that are used to develop, sustain and improve aviation safety through awareness raising and changing behaviours.

Safety Promotion material is published under Safety Together!
Safety Promotion is one key enabler to reach the ultimate objectives of the EU Safety Management Strategy and contributes to continuous improvement of our aviation safety system in Europe and worldwide, together with regulations and oversight.

Safety promotion includes the development of products and actions such as reports and technical publications, bulletins, leaflets and posters, audio-visual material, toolkits, manuals and guides, social media and e-applications, and also conferences, safety events, roadshows and campaigns. Safety Promotion is also about sharing best practices from the authorities and the industry. Safety Promotion can also contribute to the dissemination of regulatory developments. 

Please keep us informed about the aviation news in your country.

If you have any news or things that you would like to share with pilots in other countries - for instance if you organize a Fly-in that might be of interest or if there is news about airports or new rules and regulations in your country that other pilots should know - please don't hesitate to inform us. You can send all your news to the email address