Survey: help us getting more data on GA
There is agreement that Europe has no statistical data about the General Aviation (GA) fleet which would allow profound safety and economic analyses. So far most analyses in GA depend on estimates and expert judgement, which is far from ideal and one of the main reasons for a high level of overregulation in the GA industry. In the USA such data exists, generated by both the FAA and the GA User Associations. Consequently, the NALL-report as well as other Safety Analyses and Economic Impact Assessments can be based on statistical facts.
This survey was created in order to collect meaningful statistical Data for European GA. IAOPA made a first attempt in 2014 with good success, about 1500 operators and 3500 pilots replied. This data, however, is outdated, and geographically it covered mainly the European Core Area, so it´s time for a new initiative, which we started in a cooperation with the associations EBAA (European Business Aviation Association) and GAMA (General Aviation Manufacturers Association).
It will take you 10 – 15 minutes to fill out the survey. If you don´t have the precise figures at hand, your estimates are sufficient. For operators which operate a fleet of different aircraft types, we recommended to run the survey for each aircraft type. If more than one aircraft of similar type is operated, the survey can be executed with average data for these aircraft in order to save time. For questions you can contact us under info@aopa.de.
Your data will be protected and will only be shared with other GA Associations, European and National European Authorities. In order to use the data they will have to confirm to meet the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the fact that they will use the data solely for Safety and Economic Analyses. Your data will not be given to other third parties.
We intend to create a representative sample of aircraft operators in order to do a continuous trend-monitoring. If you would like to participate in this project, please enter your contact-details at the end of the survey.
Thank you very much for your time and effort. With your support, you are helping to make General Aviation safer and more economical.
Here are links to the Survey:
In English: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/FRSKRVS
In French: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/9HP3CLR
In German: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/FT82FQT
In Italian: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/YVM7JFQ
In Swedish: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/GJRF5GK
139th Regional Meeting hosted by AOPA Italy and Switzerland with full agenda
Many issues discussed: new basic regulations, GA Roadmap, licencing, drones etc.
33 participants representing 22 IAOPA Europe affiliates gathered in Como Italy for the 139th IAOPA Europe Regional Meeting. The meeting was held during the last weekend of September and was hosted and organized by AOPA Italy and AOPA Switzerland.
The agenda covered updates on regulatory and operational issues that are of importance to us all, and included topics such as:
- Development of IAOPA priorities for EASA's next round of regulatory improvements for GA, that will be part of the upcoming GA Roadmap 2.0 (see underneath the item about the Roadmap 2.0).
- The New Basic Regulation for Aviation in Europe. The removal of the definitions of 'Commercial Operation' and 'Complex Aircraft' from the Basic Regulation creates both challenges and opportunities. We need to carefully consider what resulting implementing rules are required.
Among the challenges is the fact that some operations which currently are non-commercial could in the future be classified as commercial if nothing is done. For instance fractional ownership where companies own a fraction of an aircraft and where an invoice is submitted from the legal entity owning the aircraft after each use of the aircraft. This was previously covered by the concept of the "customer having control over the operator" which has disappeared with the new Basic Regulation.
With the definition of the 'Complex Aircraft' also deleted from the Basic Regulation we have a second chance to get the scope of the NCC regulation right. The NCC regulation primarily focuses on the management of an organisation, but the currently used definition of complex aircraft in some cases forces very small or even one-man organizations into this framework where it hardly makes any sense. Even worse, the required focus on formalities might take the focus away from tasks more directly having an impact on flight safety. Therefore the new NCC regulation should exclude most of the small non-commercial organisations. Maybe the NCC ruleset could also be the right choice for certain small commercial AOC operators like sight-seeing operators or other small AOC holders with a simple structure.
Also necessary is a revision of the scope for regulation where the definition of complex aircraft is used today like for instance cost sharing and the use of aircraft for certain semi-commercial activities within flying clubs, for parachute operations etc.
- IAOPA's position papers that will be presented at the upcoming ICAO Air Navigation Conference in Montreal. These papers promote the development of a new medical standard for the lighter end of GA, and a study on the economic importance of GA for the wider aviation sector.
- Licencing. Following the success of the Competency Based Instrument Rating, this concept needs to be extended to both the PPL and CPL licenses so pilots with relevant prior experience and the necessary skills may proceed to the skill test with limited fomal training requirements. For the PPL license this is another way to help build a bridge between the microlight world and the certified world. For CPL the competency based route could help to remedy that very few pilots today sees any idea in obtaining a CPL since the effort is so close to what is required for a full ATPL. This means that small commercial operators like parachute operators and similar have a hard time finding the right people. Also the CPL knowledge requirements for PPL instructors needs to be resolved.
- Also, the agenda included challenges and opportunities regarding ADS-B, closer cooperation with AOPA US
- Fees and charges at European airports. Fees and charges at many airports in various European countries are prohibitively high for GA. Action is required primarily on national level and to get involved in the user consultations, but IAOPA-Europe is also evaluating the legal situation, if there are cases of monopolistic abuse.
- Security restrictions at many airports are becoming an increasing challenge for GA. Both in terms of physical access which might be limited or in some cases impossible outside normal opening hours but also in terms of costs where security fees now in several cases are by far the biggest charge on the invoice. We should consider possible measures that can be realized through EASA regulation. One possibility could be a new common chip based license format which can be read electronically and associated with certain access privileges that will ease access to airports.
- The attendees were briefed on the new joint database that has been developed for IAOPA Europe that allows sharing of additional European wide member benefits such as the new partnership with Jeppesen.
During the meeting, two individuals were honoured for their service to the organization and the region.
Nick Wilcock (AOPA UK) received the IAOPA Service Award for outstanding service and dedication to the members and staff of IAOPA Europe and AOPA UK. The award was handed to him by Craig Spence (AOPA HQ )
Anton Koutsoudakis (AOPA Greece) received the IAOPA Service Award for his outstanding service and dedication to the members and staff of IAOPA and AOPA Hellas. Anton worked tirelessly to further general aviation in Greece and was instrumental in addressing many of the problems and regulatory hurdles that have plagued GA in Greece. Unfortunately Anton was not present at the meeting but the reward was received by representatives of AOPA Greece.
On the picture: Craig Spence (left) hands award to Nick Wilcock (right) for outstanding service and dedication to AOPA.
15 percent discount on most Jeppesen products and services for AOPA members in Europe.
Jeppesen offers a European wide AOPA Member benefit. Members of all European AOPAs can now take advantage of a 15% discount on several of Jeppesen’s most popular products and services like paper and electronic charts, iPad apps etc. More information can be found on the IAOPA website. Members in the following countries can already contact Jeppesen directly to take advantage of the offer using their AOPA membership number: Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden & Switzerland.
Members in other countries should first contact their national AOPA to make use of the offer.
The offer is not only valid for new customers but also for people who renew their existing subscriptions.
What will be the input for EASA GA Roadmap 2.0 ?
As you know IAOPA Europe is collaborating with EASA for the GA Roadmap. Currently, the GA Roadmap 1.0 has been completed. The problem is that 35 opinions got stuck at the European Commission, some of them like the new Part M Light for more than 1.000 days. It’s a disgrace, because the associations, the National Authorities and EASA really worked hard on these improvements. The EU commission can´t run away from its obligation complete this work in the very near future. It must be possible to provide funding for the required lawyers to finalize the new regulations.
However, we are now starting to work on the GA Roadmap 2.0. There are various issues that we find important, for example:
Medical reform for the lighter end of GA
Both the US, UK and several other countries around the world have introduced significant alleviations for the medical certification of pilots involved in the lighter end of GA. IAOPA will be presenting a paper at the next ICAO Air Navigation Conference inviting ICAO to move in the same direction. The new Basic Regulation opens up the possibility that the EU could take a similar path.
Simplified access to aerodromes with your pilot license (a common chip-based plastic license might pave the way)
Up linking of weather and traffic via UAT
Improved electronic conspicuity with, for instance, low-cost portable electronic transceivers
Electronic conspicuity is an increasing concern if it is regulated the wrong way, but most of all also an opportunity to increase safety. We need to pave the way for possible solutions including for instance low-cost ADS-B IN/OUT transceivers. Also promoting the uplinking of weather, Notams and traffic information like it is known from the US would help to motivate pilots to equip voluntarily. Other new technologies like 5G solutions and the direction taken by the drone community should be considered as solutions for both in-flight data and electronic conspicuity.
Integration with UAVs Probably GA is the aviation sector which will be most impacted by the increase in drone operations. Particularly because GA will operate at low levels and to unmapped operating sites. We need to ensure that future regulation will enable coexistence of both drones and GA. The current practice of segregated airspace and pop-up Notams is not an acceptable way forward.
Bridging with the ultralight community
Are there principles we can extend to ELA1 or ELA2 aircrafts? Can we make a path for ultralight pilots to move up to certified aircrafts? For instance a competency based PPL with inspiration from the competency based IR?
Review of PPL theoretical knowledge and practical training standards.“Lighter, better, simpler” needs to apply also for the smaller/SME commercial actors
The new Roadmap 2.0 will be discussed at the EASA November event in Vienna. If you have any issues that you would like to insert into the discussion, please contact your local AOPA. They can then pass these on to the AOPA-representants who will be present in Vienna.
EASA Event in Vienna on 6-7 November 2018
Do you remember EASA´s 2014 event in Rome, when the GA Roadmap was announced? It was definitely an important milestone which helped to improve the way GA is treated by European Authorities. Now EASA has announced another event dedicated to GA.
This year, the topic will be ‘A vision for the future of General Aviation in Europe’. Over the last 4 years we have accomplished a lot within the GA Roadmap. We have managed to introduce simpler, better, and lighter rules, but there is still plenty of room for further improvement.
EASA wants to look forward, envisaging the future, and to create the new European GA. Involving topics include: innovation, new technologies such as electric & hybrid propulsion, research and data, young pilots and new business models, etc.The 2018 EASA Annual Safety Conference will take place on the 6th and 7th of November at the Vienna Marriott Hotel, Parkring 12a, 1010 Vienna/Austria. More information on the event can be found here