IAOPA Europe Enews March 2022 - Welcome to the IAOPA Europe enews which goes to 23,000 aircraft owners and pilots in 27 countries across the continent

Statement by dr Michael Erb, vice-president IAOPA EU. Shocked by Russian invasion of Ukraine

We in the European AOPA's are shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yesterday I, like many of our colleagues, contacted the President of AOPA Ukraine Gennadij Khazan by phone and e-mail, who informed us that also hangars of GA aircraft were destroyed by missile-raids. This is a clear indication of how excessively violence is being used against Ukrainian civil society. We expressed our solidarity to Gennadij and wished him, his family, all AOPA-members and of course also all Ukrainians a lot of strength in these difficult times and all the best for a peaceful future in freedom.

This attack is despicable, and especially as a German I am shocked that the Ukrainians, as a peace-loving people, are again being brutally attacked by a dictatorial system.

We hope that the free world will stand in solidarity with Ukraine and will do everything to show the aggressor its limits. When our friends from AOPA Ukraine can fly theirplanes again, it will be a clear indicator of peace and freedom being restored. We hope and pray that this won't take long.


Statement Regarding the IAOPA World Assembly 2022

We regret to inform you that IAOPA’s 30th World Assembly will be postponed to 2023. We made this decision due to concerns related to the coronavirus and other circumstances that make it difficult for the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) to host the event in July 2022.

We want to thank all IAOPA Affiliates for your understanding and support. We will be working with COPA to finalize the details and will share more information about our plans for the 30th World Assembly when they become available.




Please keep us informed about the aviation news in your country

If you have any news or things that you would like to share with pilots in other countries - for instance if you organize a Fly-in that might be of interest or if there is news about airports or new rules and regulations in your country that other pilots should know - please don't hesitate to send all your news to me:
Gerrit Brand | Netherlands | email: newsletteriaopaeu@hotmail.com, telephone or whatsapp + 31 6 50831893.