Athens Flying Week 2021, 4 and 5 September
See the French Rafale Solo Display at Athens Flying Week 2021, in a unique demonstration of power and flight capabilities! Athens Flying Week, Greece’s largest air show, returns for a 9th year, on 4 and 5 September, to the Tanagra Air Base – more compelling and impressive than ever before!
Along with the Rafale, the unique Patrouille de France and the impressive Saudi Hawks. Coming from Denmark, the F-16 Solo Display, as well as the F-16 Tiger from Poland! Like every year, at this year’s Air Show you will enjoy all of the aircraft of the Greek Armed Forces!
After a year off due to the Covid-19 pandemic, your favourite Air Show is back, implementing all the required public health measures. Ticket sales have started! Book your tickets here NOW! They’re starting with tickets for vaccinated persons!
End of the euphoria: DHL pulls out of drone project
Eight years ago, the demonstration of a DHL parcel drone in Bonn received a huge media response: a small aircraft called a "Paketcopter" flew over the Rhine, controlled by a pilot with a more or less conventional remote control, to land with a small parcel of medicines in front of DHL’s corporate headquarters. The mood was euphoric; nothing else was planned but to revolutionize the logistics of parcel services: Instead of continuing to deliver parcels in the area with overloaded delivery drivers in vans, in the future they wanted to deliver parcels by air with an enormous number of parcel copters, free of traffic jams.
Many questions arose: How will drones be used to deliver parcels during the Christmas season when there is ice and snow? How will the population react to thousands of drones as a new major source of noise? How will drones be integrated into the airspace, and how will this airspace, now called "U-Space," be designed? There are still no good answers to most of these questions.
Not much has remained of the initial drone enthusiasm: for example, a DHL spokesman is quoted in an article in the newspaper Welt as saying that the Paketcopter project will not be continued. The mood among other parcel services such as Amazon Prime Air has also tended to plummet since the first announcements of the drone delivery service.
Although autonomous test flights are being carried out in the U.S., human airspace observers are still needed for this, as fully automatic collision avoidance in the air is still far from functioning reliably in mixed traffic.
Can we forget the issue of drones? No, certainly not. There are already many useful applications for drones today, in photography, rescue or agriculture. New applications will continue to be added. However, we are of the opinion that, viewed soberly and objectively, there will be a continuous evolution in drones rather than a major revolution. Drones will occupy new niches, but there will probably not be the mass applications originally hoped for or feared, depending on the point of view.
World first for mini turboprop
For the first time in history, a Microlight Aircraft (MLA) has flown with a turboprop engine. The Greek company Heron Engines, with experience in aerospace and drone production, has installed a 120 hp turboprop in Greece and flown it in a Czech Bristell MLA. Heron Engines announced that the test flights are nearing completion and that the engine will then be available for experimental aircraft and microlights.
And yet it sounds strange...; a 120 hp turboprop engine for MLA´s. Let´s hope it won´t be a Greek drama....
First electric eFlyer 800 twins sold
Bye Aerospace has sold the first units of its twin-engine electric eFlyer 800, the US manufacturer reports. The ´launching customers´ are sister companies Jet It in the United States and JetClub in Europe. The eFlyer 800 will seat eight and is still under development (see AOPA Magazine no.391). Bye Aerospace wants to play a leading role in the international markets for air cabs, air cargo transport and regional charters with its new eFlyer 800. Certification by the U.S. FAA is not expected until 2025 at the earliest.
Klein Aircar goes for EASA certification
"Science fiction is now a reality" claims start-up Klein Vision from Slovakia.
On June 28, the Klein Aircar prototype made its 142nd landing, after a flight from Nita International Airport to Bratislava.
And indeed it is spectacular to see how the Aircar flies and how, after landing, the wings automatically fold and retract into a ´batmobile´-like car body (for the younger AOPA members: the batmobile was Batman's car in the 1960s, of which every child owned his own miniature version of Dinky Toy). Professor Stefan Klein and Klein Visions co-founder Anton Zajac let it be known, after landing, that the second prototype, with a 300 hp BMW engine, was intended to achieve both an EASA CS-23 rating and an M1 road rating. Want to see the Aircar fly for yourself? klick here for a Youtube movie
TEL and the uncertain future of Avgas 100LL
The future of high octane Avgas is uncertain. An estimated 16,000 aircraft in Europe and more than 100,000 in the rest of the world need an Avgas with 100 octane. So it is important that Avgas will be available for the next few decades at least, or until it can hopefully be replaced soon by an entirely co2-neutral fuel.
Let’s try to explain what the problem is at the moment. TEL is the abbreviation that we have to keep in mind. It stands for Tetraethyl Lead, the lead-containing additive in aviation fuel Avgas 100 LL.
ECHA is an agency of the European Commission, it is based in Helsinki and, as the “European Union Chemicals Agency”, is responsible for chemicals and environmental protection. REACH is one of the central programs of ECHA, the abbreviation stands for "Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals".
As part of REACH, environmentalists in autumn 2019 took a first look at the substance tetraethyl lead (TEL). A risk analysis has classified the endangerment of citizens and the environment from TEL as significant.
The only remaining TEL manufacturer on the world market is based in Great Britain. In the past, TEL was used in all automotive fuels, but it was successfully replaced there over 40 years ago. In aviation, however, this has not yet been achieved. Anyone who thinks that this project is once again a purely European administrative phenomenon should check up on to the PAFI project in the USA. With the help of the "Piston Aviation Fuels Initiative", the aviation authority FAA and the industry in the USA have been trying for years to develop a new unleaded successor fuel in order to be able to take the Avgas 100LL, which is attacked by various environmental groups, from the market. However, despite years of research and development, the PAFI project does not yet deliver the desired results; the task of finding a successor that can be replaced 1:1 without further effort is evidently not trivial.
Or is there already the redeeming breakthrough? The US manufacturer GAMI has apparently achieved success in the search for a lead-free high-octane Avgas. At the recent EAA Convention in Oshkosh, a supplemental type certificate for a unleaded 100 octane fuel was presented, which so far only relates to the Cessna 172, but is to be expanded. See also the article by our colleagues at AOPA USA: GAMI receives unleaded avgas STC - AOPA
But it is still unclear whether the aromatics used as additives can be approved in Europe. The answer to this question will decide whether the new product will represent the hoped-for breakthrough. In June 2021, the EU Commission issued a recommendation to require authorization for the import and use of TEL. What is the end result? Unfortunately, nobody knows that today, as it is a political as well as a technical process with several procedural stages.
In the best case, the authorization for TEL takes place, the substance can be imported and processed further, in the meantime, either at PAFI in the USA or in Europe, a long overdue lead-free fuel alternative is being developed and launched on the market.
In the worst case, TEL will not be authorized because either the industry has not applied for it or the authorities have not granted it. A lead-free successor fuel that solves the overall problem is also not being developed in time. In this case, after a transitional period, from the so-called “Sunset Date” in autumn 2024, TEL will no longer be introduced into the EU as a pure substance, only as a 1 per million dilution in the Avgas. This in turn would mean that the European Avgas 100LL would have to be produced in the next available refinery outside the EU - which would currently be in the USA - and then transported to Europe. According to initial estimates, this could increase the price of Avgas 100LL by up to one Euro per liter and thus in practice take it out of the market.
What is the European IAOPA doing now? Together with different aviation associations we issued a statement with the aim of postponing the authorization until an unleaded fuel alternative is on the market. The further use of TEL cannot be negotiated on a permanent basis. To be honest: This substance TEL has to be removed as quickly as possible, it not only harms us biologically but also politically. Unfortunately, engine and fuel manufacturers have left decades more or less inactive here.
We also want a European research project, there is already a manufacturer who has applied for a patent but does not yet have an aviation certification. We are actively supported in this proposal for a European development program from EASA.
What should you do? You should check whether your engine may already be operated with unleaded Avgas UL 91/96. Before purchasing a new aircraft, you should consider whether you are taking the unknown risk of failure of the Avgas 100LL supply or using an aircraft that does not require any Avgas 100LL. Then you are on the safe side.
“The undisputable landing/parking fee champions throughout Europe are the 14 Greek Fraport regional airports”
AOPA Hellas has been relentlessly complaining to the Fraport Greece senior management, about the excessive landing and parking fees as well as the lack of parking spaces for general aviation light aircraft and PPR rejections, in the 14 regional Greek airports under their operation since 2017. In pertinent meetings that AOPA Hellas held with the Fraport Greece COO during 2021, it became clear that Fraport Greece is not interested in attracting general aviation aircraft. In fact, the senior management does whatever is humanly possible to discourage light aircraft by charging landing and parking fees, far higher than those charged in Geneva airport, for example. A thorough research through the price list of landing and parking fees of similar airports throughout Europe, proves that the undisputable landing/parking fee champions throughout Europe are the 14 Greek Fraport regional airports.
According to Fraport Greece, the above problems exist due to the very high touristic inflow in the subject island-based airports during the summer season, the airports’ limited space and due to the agreement, they have with the Greek state, mentioning nowhere therein the term “general aviation” whatsoever. According to Fraport, companies like EasyJet, Ryanair are more lucrative business for their operations model than private light aircraft. “This is absurd when one assumes that airlines and GA light aircraft cannot co-exist harmoniously like they do in so many other airports in Europe”, commented AOPA Hellas.
“There is no value for money. They charge high fees and offer neither parking nor AVGAS refueling facilities as in other similar European airports” says AOPA Hellas, while they operate in a monopolistic environment. On the other hand, the Greek State operated airports, have become much more GA friendly, far cheaper to land and park and plan to increase their operations hours from sunrise to sunset.
Fly-in at Groningen Airport Eelde
The Dutch AOPA Fly- In Texel was a great success with over 200 visiting aircraft on 20 and 21 August. That tastes like more. Therefore, AOPA Netherlands would like to draw your attention to the Fly-In that will take place at EHGG on September 25 and 26. The landing fee is €10 on the days of the Fly-In. At EHGG (Eelde Airport) the sales and maintenance center of Cirrus Aircraft is based, so a lot of these aircraft will surely be present.
For pilots who have less experience in approaching a controlled field, it is an excellent opportunity to seize. In fact; the airport advertises it as well. "No experience flying to a controlled airfield? No problem! Air traffic control at Groningen Airport Eelde is happy to help all pilots, with or without experience! Partly due to the many lesson traffic that practices at Groningen Airport Eelde, air traffic control is familiar with giving clear and simple instructions."
For more information and registration, please klick here
Online seminar and workshop on European Aircraft Maintenance
Online seminar: Introduction to European aircraft maintenance for pilots and owners
The seminar takes place online from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A good WiFi connection and a tablet, computer or smartphone are required to participate.
Although a pilot and aircraner may release certain maintenance tasks under European maintenance law via pilot-owner maintenance, the maintenance of aircraft is neither part of the LAPL, nor PPL syllabus. The aircraft owner hasft ow to find his way through the jungle of European maintenance regulations independently and gather his information.
The seminar “Introduction to European aircraft maintenance for pilots and owners” introduces you to the basics of European maintenance law.
The topics are:
Structure of European maintenance law, particularly with regard to Part-ML and Part-66
Type of European Maintenance Organizations (Part-M Subpart f, CAO, CAMO, Part 145)
Concepts and terms related to maintenance, repair and airworthiness
Maintenance documentation, ARC, CRS, Form 1, Form 123
Structure and content of maintenance programs
Structure and content of maintenance files, operating times overview, AD overview, change list
Concept and scope of pilot owner maintenance
Guidance to fill out certificates of release, IHP and maintenance overviews
Costs / participation fee per person
160 EUR for AOPA members
200 EUR for non-members
(Prices including VAT)
This 1-day seminar will take place on the following dates:
September 12, 2021 | November 7, 2021
How can I register?
To participate please send us an e-mail to with the following information:
Subject: application online seminar: Introduction to … on September 12, 2021 or November 7, 2021
Name, adress, zip code, country, member of AOPA (yes or no), which AOPA?
We will send you an invoice and a confirmation by e-mail.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or paypal.
Online workshop for creating a maintenance program
Seminar description
Part ML allows owners of aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of up to 2,730 kg to declare a maintenance program on their own responsibility, and to assume responsibility for deviations from the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions. An individual maintenance program is created in this online workshop designed together under the direction of Malte Höltken (Aufwind) and implemented the specifications from Part-ML.
The event will take place online from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Questions during the creation can be asked directly.
The workshop contains the following topics:
Introduction to maintenance programs and the legal basis.
Creation of a maintenance program based on prepared templates during the workshop.
Assistance in adhering to the minimum requirements in the event of deviations from manufacturer specifications regarding maintenance intervals.
Instructions for the continuous updating of maintenance programs.
Costs / participation fee per person
160 EUR for AOPA members
200 EUR for non-members
(Prices including VAT)
This 1-day seminar will take place on the following dates:
October 16, 2021 | December 12, 2021
How can I register?
To participate please send us an e-mail to with the following information:
Subject: application for Online workshop … on October 16, 2021 or December 12, 2021
Name, adress, zip code, country, member of AOPA (yes or no), which AOPA?
We will send you an invoice and a confirmation by e-mail.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or paypal.
Please keep us informed about the aviation news in your country
If you have any news or things that you would like to share with pilots in other countries - for instance if you organize a Fly-in that might be of interest or if there is news about airports or new rules and regulations in your country that other pilots should know - please don't hesitate to send all your news to me:
Gerrit Brand | Netherlands | email:, telephone or whatsapp + 31 6 50831893.